
Founded in 2021, Undo is a new breed of development company with a humanistic approach to developing properties. Our mission is to create value through thoughtful design. We empower our customers to enhance their lives while maintaining a healthy return on their financial investment at the same time. We work with exceptional architects, designers, thinkers and doers to create outstanding value for our customers and the wider community. Undo develops properties exclusively in rural areas and areas of exceptional natural beauty.


The very core of our company philosophy is based on our respect for nature and all it has to offer. We believe in what nature could do in transforming our lives and bring us back to the kind of balanced life so miserably missed in our contemporary living. That is why we are so keen to preserve nature in everything we do. Every design element, every land development and usage is considered in a manner that enhances our natural environment, and not a disruption.

We are on a journey to discover a new way of doing things. Of doing things with less quantity and more quality. Of doing things with less complication and more consideration.


We embark on finding new, innovative ways to reduce our waste and increase a healthy impact. We don’t want to build more stuff. We want to build good stuff. And we don’t want to hurry. We want to be considerate and sensitive. Sensitive to people’s needs but also sensitive to the natural cycles. 


We favour longevity over temporary. We strive to build things that last. Not just buildings, but also relationships and communities. We want to create a world for our customers and much for ourselves in which everyone is encouraged to discover and grow. We favour research over acceptance. We are passionate about uncovering the unknown and be forerunners in taking the science of property development forward.



Then indeed peace had come. Messages of peace breathed from the sea to the shore. Never to break its sleep any more, to lull it rather more deeply to rest, and whatever the dreamers dreamt holily, dreamt wisely, to confirm — what else was it murmuring — as Lily Briscoe laid her head on the pillow in the clean still room and heard the sea. Through the open window the voice of the beauty of the world came murmuring, too softly to hear exactly what it said — but what mattered if the meaning were plain?

– From To the Lighthouse by Virgina Woolf